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Prospective Students

Daviana Gonzalez

Daviana Gonzalez, Daviana Dietrich school of Arts and Sciences ’23:

“As a Latina woman who did not grow up learning Spanish, I always felt a drive to learn the language in order communicate more efficiently with my Spanish-speaking family. Additionally, as a student with the intention of pursuing a career in medicine, I wanted to strive to learn the language in order to communicate with and advocate for my future Spanish-speaking patients. Through Pitt’s Spanish and Portuguese Program I was able to achieve the goal of strengthening my Spanish communication skills with family while also continuing on my pre-health track in order to utilize these same skills with current and future patients.” -Daviana Gonzalez, Spanish major, chemistry minor, pre-PA track, EMT-B."

Emma Christenson

Emma Christenson, Dietrich school of Arts and Sciences ’23

"I have had a truly incredible experience with Pitt's Hispanic Languages and Literatures program. Each professor, advisor, or associate professor I've had the privilege of meeting has been remarkably kind and helpful. These experiences have benefitted me professionally, seeing as I am now pursuing a career in education—and hoping to teach middle- or high-school Spanish. As a freshman at Pitt, I intended to achieve a minor in Spanish, but, as a result of the excellent classes, staff, and environment in my numerous Spanish courses, I ultimately became a Spanish major. This decision broadened my options as a student, as it helped me in the study abroad process, and I ended up living in Granada, Spain. Aside from the academic elements of studying a second language, becoming proficient in Spanish, whether that be through writing, speaking, or listening, has allowed me to interact with new people and make friends of different backgrounds. I am very grateful to Pitt's Spanish and Portuguese program, and I hope incoming Pitt students choose to participate in the university's Spanish classes. I am sure they will be inspired by the courses and professors, just like I was."

Information for Prospective Students

For more information about our department, or to schedule a visit or tour, please email the Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences recruitment team

To learn more about available graduate programs in the Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences, please email the Graduate Studies Department.